Towards Environment Friendly Brick Production in Afghanistan - The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln [VSBK]
Experiences and Lessons Learned
previous Factsheet 10
Technical Information for Brick Professionals
The VSBK Technology
The VSBK Brickyard
Operation and Workflow
Building a VSBK
Performance of VSBK
Starting a VSBK Business?
Main Challenges
Address Book
Quick Starter Guide
General Information for Clean Technology Promoters
Quick Starter Guide for Starting a VSBK Business

Step 1: Market survey

  • Understand the basics of VSBK technology

  • Understand the brick market dynamics such as cost of bricks, production vs. demand of bricks, existing brick production systems etc

  • Analyse the availability of building materials for VSBK construction

  • Analyse the availability of coal and its quality

  • Understand the legal obligations required to establish brick industries

Step 2: Soil and site selection

  • Select the site with land area sufficient to build a VSBK as well as establish the VSBK production system. About 400m2 is required for VSBK construction and about 32,000m2 is required for operation of a four-shaft VSBK. This area would be used for kiln construction, office setup, soil dumping and ageing, pugging, green brick moulding, green brick drying, green brick storing, labour quarters, chid care centre, fired brick storage, access road, open area etc.

  • Select the soil mining area with sufficient soil reserve. Soil mine with soil reserves sufficient for at least 5 years is recommended.

  • Assess the soil quality (refer to EP and soil selection flow chart).

Step 3: VSBK Design and drawing

  • Consult with experienced VSBK engineer to design VSBK.

  • Prepare the detailed VSBK construction drawing.

  • Prepare Bill of Quantity for a two- or four shaft VSBK (refer Bill of Quantity).

Step 4: Construction

  • Procure building materials required for the construction of a two-or four-shaft VSBK.

  • Establish contact with the labour force required to manage and construct VSBK.

  • Start construction of a VSBK under the supervision of well trained/experienced engineer/overseer.

Step 5: Green Brick Production

  • Initiate green brick production together with VSBK construction

  • Follow best practices under the supervision of VSBK expert/engineers

Step 6: Operation

  • Select of group of 12-14 people to be trained as fire-masters/fire-men for two shafts.

  • Conduct fire-master training under the guidance of a VSBK expert.

  • Procure materials required for initial firing (refer list of materials required for initial firing and stabilisation).

  • Divide groups and share responsibilities of fire-master trainees to operate in shifts. Generally groups are divided into three shifts with eight hours time interval. Each group consists of four members, one fire-master and 3 firemen.

  • Start operation under the supervision of VSBK firing expert and well trained fire-masters/men. An expert’s input is required until fire is stabilised and good quality bricks are produced. It may take a week to a month to stabilise the fire depending on the dryness of kiln, green brick quality, coal quality and skills of fire-master/firemen.
Green brick staking
Green brick drying